Monday, August 27, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo Update, Week 4

I consider Week 4 of Camp a reasonable success. Although I took a couple of impromptu days off, I still ended the week at 48,211 words. That’s less than 2,000 words from the stated goal of the competition. If I hadn’t slacked off, I probably would have hit 50K, but that's okay. I feel comfortable with where I currently stand.

I anticipate hitting 50K today. With approximately 2.5 chapters left to write, it seems obvious that I’ll be going over goal. I anticipate finishing somewhere around 55K. I'll probably be done by Wednesday.

As predicted, I didn’t get a whole lot done with my other novel. However, I did finish chapter 14, which ended up needing more revision than expected (i.e. almost complete revision). This week, I plan to write the new chapter 15, which will be short (probably only two Word pages) and revise chapter 16. I’ve already reviewed 16 extensively and feel it doesn’t need much work, so it should be an easy week.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the werewolf romance story I mentioned last week. I have most of the plot figured out. I’m feeling pretty excited about it and honestly sort of want to get started. Not sure if it’s the best idea. I’m still only about halfway through the fantasy romance and there’s my partially written spy romance to think about as well. I don’t want to get distracted from these two novels, both of which I feel are good stories.

I will be checking in about Camp NaNo for the final time next Monday. Thanks to everyone who's been checking in on my progress!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Well done! Your post has also reminded me it is now September, not August.

It seems a difficult choice of which to work on next/simultaneously. I'm sure you will find a good balance.