Friday, September 28, 2012

Two Updates on Previous Posts

The dog's new toy still lives, although only just.

This side doesn't look too bad, but the other side (which is white) is caked in dirt. He's also opened a bit of a hole on the white side. He wrecked the plastic mechanism that made it squeak. I've also started finding stuffing all over the house. Still, I consider it a victory. This toy lasted a week before breaking. More expensive toys have fallen far more quickly.

In other news, I finally found the other half of the magnet that kitty broke.

Now if only I can find the superglue, I could maybe put it back together.


Patricia said...

Superglue to the rescue! My aunt fixed one of my dishes with superglue, but first she had to work for five minutes to unclog the tube so she could get the glue out.

balyien said...

Haha, I have that same problem with superglue.