Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

If I had any regular readers, other than the lovely Miss P, I would apologize more profusely for having abandoned this blog for several months. Life got in the way and since most of y’all are my friends, you understand why.

The short version, for those not in the know, is that the video game company that the husband and I had been helping to build collapsed. No need to go into the details of why here. The collapse left us short on cash & looking for work. After a semi-frantic search, the husband landed his dream job in Dallas. So we uprooted our lives, yet again, and here we are a month later, settling in to our new city.

Everything happened so fast that part of me is still reeling. I loved Austin. I never intended to leave, but if there’s one thing you learn as you age, it’s that life can change in the blink of an eye & all you can do is hang on for the ride.

So far, I like Dallas well enough. It’s a very, very different city from Austin, although not different in a way that causes immediate hatred (for me, anyway). I definitely feel like Austin was more my kind of place. However, I’m determined not to let the change of scenery get me down. I wasted so much of my life feeling sad when I was younger. I can’t do it any longer.

When I start to feel blue about the move, I remind myself of these things: I have a very comfortable roof over my head. I have plenty of food to eat. The husband loves his new job. Almost immediately, I landed a part-time job that is perfect in nearly every way & that I enjoy. I’m writing on a regular basis. I have my health. I’ve got two awesome, adorable pets. And I have the love of a good man.

Really, what more could a person want?

Now it is my intention to pick my blog back up again. I still have no idea where I’m going with it. I feel like this blog has yet to hit its stride. But I believe that, some day, I’ll figure out what I want to write about regularly. Until then, I’ll just try to update once a week and see what happens.

If you’re along for the ride, I hope we can all have a good time.


Patricia said...

I am happy you are back to posting regularly. And I am completely horrible at posting regularly on my own blogs, so I totally get it. It sounds like you've got a great frame of mind about Dallas, and I'm thrilled that both of you have jobs you like. Way to go.

balyien said...

Thanks, P! Moving to Dallas has been a pretty positive experience thus far.