Saturday, February 25, 2012

Alone Time

I was down with a terrible flu most of the week. You know, one of those flus where you can hardly get out of bed without getting winded. I managed to power through and get a little writing done throughout the week, but didn’t truly feel enthusiastic about getting back into it until yesterday.

I’ve been wanting to blog but had a difficult time coming up with a topic. I haven’t done much this week beyond reading, watching Netflix, and a little writing. I started to write a blog about health but bored myself to tears, so I gave it up.

I did have one interesting observation this week. It’s crunch time for the video game project that the husband and I have been working on. The Game Developers Conference is only a week away, so the pressure is on to produce a high quality demo in a very short amount of time.

This means that, despite my being terribly sick, the husband wasn’t being especially attentive to me. As usual, my phone pretty much didn’t ring all week. No one was texting me. I barely even got any email. Normally, such things would send me into a funk. While I’ve always enjoyed my own company, I usually need a healthy dose of social interaction to go with it. I like a balance, a week split fairly evenly between alone time, spouse time, and friend time.

With a surplus of alone time this week, however, I found my emotional state maintaining itself. It was a pleasant surprise, one that I take as a very good sign. I feel like I continue to grow as a person. I attribute this change at least in part to the fact that I abandoned the working world to write full-time. I love what I’m doing so much that it’s made me a stronger person. Friends have already remarked that in just a few short weeks, I already seem happier, despite the financial obstacles I’m currently facing. It’s extremely gratifying.

I’d like to believe that this even-keeled trend will continue, but you never do know. Life is a process and it’s not even a particularly linear one. I’m excited to see what changes are in store in the near future, both within my own mind and in the everyday.

Goal Update 2012

Goal 1: Wrote quest dialogue, website content, a two-page comic book, and two narratives for the video game project. Wrote two chapters of romance novel (up to chapter 16). Finished chapter 20 & started chapter 21 of fantasy novel.

Goal 2: Abandoned.

Goal 3: See above blog post. We did have some down time last night where we ended up watching some episodes of “The Three Stooges.” Beyond the slapstick, that show is pretty damn funny, with some great one-liners. We laughed a lot.

Goal 4: I was desperate to go outside this week as the weather was well into the 80s for much of it. Alas, I was too sick to do so. Eating has improved slightly, but is nowhere near where I’d like to be.


Patricia said...

I'm glad to hear you had good alone time and I'm glad you are quite happy in your new profession. I've noticed that when I have a long break from work (say the two-week Winter break, or the three week August break) I have less and less to talk about as the break goes on. If I don't make an effort to see people (and mostly I don't) I have no new topics of conversation. I find it a bit weird to be so incredibly internal, but it's probably good as I have the introvert-in-extrovert job problem normally.

Feel better!

HSofia said...

Love the update - glad you're on the mend. I miss you, but am so happy that you're doing what you love.