Monday, February 4, 2019

Up with Geography: Eritrea

Country Name:



African continent. Eritrea outlined in dark ink.

A close-up of Eritrea & its neighbors.

Sudan, Djibouti, Ethiopia

Water Borders:
Red Sea

Total Area:
45,405 square miles

Five Largest Cities:
Asmara, Keren, Teseney, Mendefera, Agordat

Famous Geographical Point:
Dahlak Archipelago

Famous Person:
Michael Adonai, painter

Book Set In/About:
I Didn't Do It for You: How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation by Michela Wrong

A non-fiction book detailing the many abuses Eritrea suffered at the hands of larger nations throughout its history.

Movie Set In/About:
"White Hotel" (2001), directed by Dianne Griffin and Tobi Solvang

A documentary about HIV/AIDS in Eritrea. It was exceedingly difficult to find a movie to fit this category. Eritrea is relatively newly independent (1993) and apparently has no film schools. I wanted to feature a writer/director by the name of Rahel Tewelde but could find no descriptions of her movies online.

Headline of the Day:
"Residents of Badwe Voice Concern Over Handover to Eritrea" in Deutsche Welle


Patricia said...

Hmmm. Rahel Tewelde says she is a film maker on her Twitter account, but I also could not find any films.

Wait, here's something on YouTube called Eritrean Comedy Film

And the comments on that film sent me down a rabbit hole about what written language they were using. I think it's Ge'ez

balyien said...

Oh, you're a much more determined researcher than me. I didn't even think to look at Twitter or YouTube. YouTube definitely would've made sense!