Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Woodland Enchantress Cross Stitch, Progress Report 9

Back on track for updates, hopefully! Here's a reminder of what the cross stitch is supposed to look like when it's done:

Here's what it looked like the last time I updated, in October 2018:

And here's what it looks like now:

Once again, I haven't been keeping up with tracking my hours. I think I'll try to get back to it, because it's actually pretty interesting to see how long it takes. I'm hoping to finish the actual stitching by July, which will be the 3-year mark since I began. After that will be the back stitching to give the picture details, but that's typically not as time or labor intensive.

One problem I've run into is that I've actually run out of floss for a few colors! That's never happened to me before. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to order extra floss from Dimensions, the makers of the kit, so I've had to buy more at a fabric store. The colors don't match exactly. I'm hoping it won't be noticeable.

I'm feeling excited to get this project finished some time this year!


Patricia said...

Wow! This is so much progress. I'm quite impressed and look forward to next quarter's update.

(Which has probably already been posted because I'm catching up with your posts.)

balyien said...

Next update is next week! I've made a lot of progress, although not as much as I hoped because I had to take a little break due to injury. (I strained my rib muscles while sleeping, if you can believe it.)