Sunday, November 3, 2013

Final Reflections on October 2013

Final reflections are coming to you a little late this month because I was out of town this weekend. It’s kind of funny - whenever I go out of town, I’m always excited by the prospect of it. “Yay! It’s a trip! I’m going to have a great time!” However, it usually only takes a day before I’m thinking, “You know, I kind of miss home.” My introverted and extroverted sides just never seem to agree with one another.

I don’t have much to say about our recently departed October. There have been no major life changes, nor anything especially exciting going on. Lately, I’d been feeling kind of sloth-like. Not fat or anything; just unhealthy, inactive, too stationery, etc. So I finally put my foot down in October and forced myself to start an exercise-and-writing regime. And it was working. I was finally writing again, and the exercise was helping me feel a lot better both physically and emotionally.

Unfortunately, about two weeks in, I was struck down by my Annual Autumn Cold. I’m one of those people who believe in actually resting while they’re sick. For four days, I primarily sat on the couch, neither going to work nor socializing, watched a lot of Netflix & soccer, and drank a lot of fluids. Unfortunately, it did little to alleviate my symptoms. I remained sick right up until this weekend, well over a week.

I’m finally beginning to feel better now. I’m looking forward to getting back to exercising and writing this week. I won’t be participating in NaNoWriMo this year, however. My brother is coming to visit in a week. Since I’ll be entertaining him, I won’t have as much time for writing. I didn’t want to set myself up for failure. I may make up for it by participating in the next Camp NaNoWriMo. We'll see.

And that’s it – everything I have to say about the month of October (and most of what I said is actually about November, lol). I guess life is just like that sometimes. I suppose if life were exciting all the time, I'd just feel exhausted.

That was October 2013 and there wasn't much of anything on my mind. If you're stopping by to read, why don't you tell me if anything has been on yours?


lostindustrial said...

Well, since you asked...
I had a busy and rather stressful October. Out of town a couple of different times, some unexpected and rather painful run-ins with my ex, and the stress of being laid off and unemployment continued to hit hard. I found myself focusing on what I can't do and why no employer wants me rather than what I can do and what I have to offer. I found that I was isolating myself - from people who care and who call myself my friends, but also whom I keep talking myself out of the fact that they really mean it. But if I don't reach out to them how are they supposed to know I'm hurting? I know. It's a viscous cycle. I'm working on it though.

Annick SB said...

Octobre ... froid dans le cœur et meurtrissures de l'âme ; choix douloureux à prendre, à comprendre ... J'aime pourtant la couleur des feuilles en automne et la douceur de l'air ... J'aime pourtant la vie mais cet octobre là a vraiment été redoutable ici ...

Patricia said...

Man, my college French classes leaves me with the slightest understanding of what that said.

What is your exercise-and-writing routine? I assume they are done separately, but perhaps not?

Aside from my birthday (always a MAJOR October event) I'm not really recalling much about October, either. It was good, I guess. Perhaps November will be more memorable.

balyien said...

C - I totally understand. I get that way too. It's important to be honest with one's friends about how one is feeling, but it can be very difficult to be honest and open. I'm sorry that things have been rough for you lately. Job hunting is always a beating to one's psyche and ego. I hope that November is a brighter month for you!

Annick - That's very beautiful and poetic. :) I hope you're doing well despite having to make difficult choices.

P - Google Translate does a pretty good job. I don't know French at all but I still got the gist. :P

Re: exercise and writing, I just meant that I'm making an effort to get up early enough each morning so that I can fit both into my day. As for exercising, I'm trying to do 2 days a week of a 30-min workout video, 2 days of weight lifting, and 1 walk per week. So far so good.