Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Woodland Enchantress Cross Stitch, Progress Report 8

We're well past due for an update on the cross stitch! Here's a reminder of what it's supposed to look like when I'm finished:

Here's what it looked like the last time I updated, in January 2018:

And here's what it looks like now:

During the Great Blog Burnout of 2018, I stopped keeping track of the hours/days I worked on this project. Bear in mind that I missed 2 updates (in April & July 2018), but I still get the impression that I worked on it a lot more this year than I did last year. I feel like I've made a lot of progress. I know I finished the bottom half around mid-July. That means all that work on the top half has occurred in less than 3 months. I attribute this to the fact that I started taking the project into work with me when I have day shifts. It's much easier to put this down down & pick it back up when the phones are busy than it is to read.

I've already purchased another big cross stitch, which I plan to hang in our bedroom, so I'm feeling extra motivated to finish this one in a more timely fashion!

Note: I'm trying to complete the sky around her head before I fill in the rest of her body because I'm bored to death with those colors (mostly blue-purple, sky blue, and light blue).


Patricia said...

Oh my goodness, you have made great progress! Taking it to work has been very good for you.

balyien said...

It's looking like I'm not going to have it done by July as I'd hoped, but it's still coming along very nicely!