Movie Stats:
Released 2001 (USA)
American, in English
Director - Marc Forster
Stars - Billy Bob Thornton, Halle Berry
Plot Summary:
After a series of tragedies, racist white Death Row prison guard Hank Grotowski (Thornton) begins a relationship with Leticia Musgrove (Berry), a black woman whose husband he helped execute.
Heavy blue language (including racial epithets); violence; minor gore; female nudity (breasts and butt); brief male nudity (butt only); sexy times.
Bad Stuff:
The pacing in the first half of the film is good, but I think it bogs down in the second half.
Good Stuff:
The acting is phenomenal. I’m a big fan of actors who are capable of emoting. Thornton is amazing at this. You literally watch him transform from a hateful bigot into a person who is capable of kindness and compassion. Since his character isn’t inclined to say much, Thornton has to rely on facial expressions and body language to convey this. Heath Ledger, as Hank’s son Sonny, was also adept at this. The first moment he appeared on-screen, before he said a word, I thought to myself, “There’s a man suffering from serious depression.” Even Sean Combs, in a relatively small part as Lawrence Musgrove, impresses.
I like that it explored the idea that grief can change one’s life for the positive. This is rarely explored in cinema, perhaps even a little taboo, because grief is supposed to make you sad. We see a lot more depictions of grief ruining people’s lives, or at the very least ruining it for a little while before the protagonist finally gets his/her act together. This felt a lot less cliche/melodramatic.
It’s got a great soundtrack.
About the Performance:
Like the rest of the cast, Halle Berry is fantastic. I support her Oscar win. Most of her performance is understated, because she’s a woman long beat down by grief and the grind of poverty. But if you have any doubts as to her acting ability, you need only see her final scene, where she discovers something shocking. The rest of the movie, she doesn’t say a word as you watch her move through surprise, disgust, acceptance, and finally, into peace, taking life for what it is. I thought it was a powerful scene bolstered by a masterful performance.
Other performances of Berry’s that I’ve reviewed: none.
The Verdict:
I saw this when it came out in the theater. I could recall only three things about it: that I thought it was great; the famous sex scene; and Heath Ledger’s performance because he really stood out. I wasn’t so sure I would like it a second time around. I was wrong! I probably liked it even more than the first time. This is truly excellent cinema. I’d completely forgotten how sad it was. I cried through half of it. The story is full of heavy themes and the characters are complex. In the hands of less capable actors, it might not have come off as good. Luckily, they had an excellent casting director, and the result is something special.
I give it 4.5 stars.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Neighborhood Walks: To Curbside Cafe & Vista Public Library
It's been a while since I've done one of these! Our first place in San Diego County wasn't within walking distance of anything interesting. Recently, my husband landed a new job, for which he requires our only car several days a week, leaving me stranded at home due to my own work schedule (my work is only a mile from home). Luckily, my seasonal job will soon be over, and so I can take some train trips on the days he takes the car.
Anyway, when I grew tired of being stuck at home last week, I decided to walk to downtown Vista to get some breakfast and then stop at the library on the way home to pick up a book that was on hold. Many of these pics are from my own neighborhood!
These folks down the street had this sign post up for months, empty. I thought they were either selling their home or had just purchased it & the realtor was lazy. But then this lovely hand-painted sign showed up:
I like this house's garage more than I like the house itself. It's so cute!:
A nicely xeriscaped yard:
I went slightly out of my way to take a picture of this realty sign. I can't get over the fact that this realtor uses a caricature as her professional photo. I just find it really bizarre. I'm half-convinced it's the reason why this house has been sitting on the market for months. (Note: I removed the identifying information from the sign; half the sign isn't randomly missing.)
Interesting flowers that I don't recognize:
For the first time, I noticed that this very blue house has a very blue fountain out front. They also have a very blue mailbox. I'm sensing a theme.
Someone is ready for Halloween:
The Vista Masonic Center makes me so sad every time I see it. I honestly can't tell whether or not it's derelict. It looks like a place in a horror movie that teenagers break into on a lark & end up getting murdered. (Note: I looked it up & not only is it still in use, the Vista Masons appear quite active. And they have a lovely website. I'm shocked. I've never seen a single car parked there or people going in & out.)
Yellow roses never look as beautiful in pictures as they do in person:
Fun cactus:
I spied this traffic cone on the roof of a local school. I wondered if it was tossed up there by naughty children or if there was something construction/janitorial related going on.
I took this picture to show how steep the hills in Vista can be. Also, you can tell by the utterly parched grass that it hadn't rained since June (it sprinkled the following day).
A favorite yard of mine:
Mural on the side of the Curbside Cafe:
Outside Lush Lounge (local coffee shop), they're ready for Day of the Dead:
I love a good Spanish tile:
Vista has had a bit of a rough reputation in recent years. It's a town in transition, and the city planners are working hard to turn it into an artists' colony. I liked this painted sign calling attention to the free doggie poop bags (note: it was completely empty of bags). Funny that the nearest beach that allows dogs is over 20 miles away from Vista. We've never taken our dog to a beach.
I may have liked the detail on the back of the sign more than the painting on the front:
My second destination:
I LOVED these amazing pieces of post-it note artwork in the library's side windows. There was also a Pac-Man & a Superman symbol. Unfortunately, access to the courtyard was locked, so I couldn't get in there for a good angle. Also, someone sitting inside was staring at me, which made me self-conscious. These windows look into the children's area, so I didn't want her to think I was being a creep.
This roundtrip walk totaled 3 miles. I enjoyed the exercise & the time out of the house!
Monday, September 25, 2017
Top 50 Actresses, #48 - Angelina Jolie: "Changeling" (2008)
Movie Stats:
Released 2008 (France)
American, in English
Director - Clint Eastwood
Stars - Angelina Jolie, Jeffrey Donovan, John Malkovich
Plot Summary:
Based on a true story. In the 1920s, after the son of Christine Collins (Jolie) goes missing, the LAPD brings the wrong child back to her and then has her committed to a mental institution when she doesn’t accept him as hers. Donovan co-stars as her main LAPD antagonist, Captain J.J. Jones, and Malkovich as the anti-police crusader who tries to help her, Rev. Gustav Briegleb.
Minor violence; minor gore; minor blue language; non-consensual drug use (psychiatric meds); very brief female nudity (breasts, butt).
Bad Stuff:
It’s a little overly detailed/too long.
This may sound petty, but there’s a particular musical piece used throughout the film that features a saxophone (I believe) and it feels completely out of place. The rest of the film is so great with the period details and then that songs starts and I’m like, “What’s Kenny G doing here?”
Good Stuff:
The acting is stellar. I particularly enjoyed Donovan, who made me thoroughly loathe Captain Jones, and Geoff Pierson as S.S. Hahn, Christine’s fiery, righteously indignant lawyer.
Loved the costuming and set design.
After doing a little research on the internet, I discovered that the film seems to have stuck pretty close to the facts of the case, which I appreciate.
About the Performance:
I’m not super familiar with Jolie’s work but always have this gut feeling that I don't like her. When the film first started, I was skeptical that I could buy her as a 1920s woman. My skepticism was unwarranted. She was really good in this. She imbued Christine with the perfect mix of vulnerability and strength. This is a horrible story, so I would have felt bad for her no matter what, but Jolie’s performance made me like Christine.
Other performances of Jolie’s that I’ve reviewed: The Tourist.
The Verdict:
Holy cow, this story is infuriating. Watching a man, a total stranger to the situation, spend two hours insisting that he knows better than a woman whether a child is hers or not, is rage-inducing on a level that’s difficult to convey. And it’s not as though the film outrageously embellishes the details. Eastwood is a very talented director and he had a great cast and crew to work with. My biggest complaint is the film’s length. It could easily be shortened. The trial scenes, for example, could be cut entirely and replaced with text, “such and such happened to so and so at trial,” etc., and the film wouldn’t suffer for it. But that’s only a minor detraction to an otherwise excellent film. I’m surprised this one never got more attention.
I give it 4.25 stars.
Released 2008 (France)
American, in English
Director - Clint Eastwood
Stars - Angelina Jolie, Jeffrey Donovan, John Malkovich
Plot Summary:
Based on a true story. In the 1920s, after the son of Christine Collins (Jolie) goes missing, the LAPD brings the wrong child back to her and then has her committed to a mental institution when she doesn’t accept him as hers. Donovan co-stars as her main LAPD antagonist, Captain J.J. Jones, and Malkovich as the anti-police crusader who tries to help her, Rev. Gustav Briegleb.
Minor violence; minor gore; minor blue language; non-consensual drug use (psychiatric meds); very brief female nudity (breasts, butt).
Bad Stuff:
It’s a little overly detailed/too long.
This may sound petty, but there’s a particular musical piece used throughout the film that features a saxophone (I believe) and it feels completely out of place. The rest of the film is so great with the period details and then that songs starts and I’m like, “What’s Kenny G doing here?”
Good Stuff:
The acting is stellar. I particularly enjoyed Donovan, who made me thoroughly loathe Captain Jones, and Geoff Pierson as S.S. Hahn, Christine’s fiery, righteously indignant lawyer.
Loved the costuming and set design.
After doing a little research on the internet, I discovered that the film seems to have stuck pretty close to the facts of the case, which I appreciate.
About the Performance:
I’m not super familiar with Jolie’s work but always have this gut feeling that I don't like her. When the film first started, I was skeptical that I could buy her as a 1920s woman. My skepticism was unwarranted. She was really good in this. She imbued Christine with the perfect mix of vulnerability and strength. This is a horrible story, so I would have felt bad for her no matter what, but Jolie’s performance made me like Christine.
Other performances of Jolie’s that I’ve reviewed: The Tourist.
The Verdict:
Holy cow, this story is infuriating. Watching a man, a total stranger to the situation, spend two hours insisting that he knows better than a woman whether a child is hers or not, is rage-inducing on a level that’s difficult to convey. And it’s not as though the film outrageously embellishes the details. Eastwood is a very talented director and he had a great cast and crew to work with. My biggest complaint is the film’s length. It could easily be shortened. The trial scenes, for example, could be cut entirely and replaced with text, “such and such happened to so and so at trial,” etc., and the film wouldn’t suffer for it. But that’s only a minor detraction to an otherwise excellent film. I’m surprised this one never got more attention.
I give it 4.25 stars.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Top 50 Actresses, #49 - Sandra Bullock: "The Blind Side" (2009)
Movie Stats:
Released 2009 (USA)
American, in English
Director - John Lee Hancock
Stars - Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Tim McGraw
Plot Summary:
Based on a true story. When homeless teenager Michael Oher (Aaron) is taken in by a well-to-do family, he begins his journey to a career in the NFL. Bullock and McGraw co-star respectively as Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, Oher’s adoptive parents.
Violence (mostly football-related); minor gore; minor blue language; implied sexy times.
Bad Stuff:
It comes across as a little too-good-to-be-true. The “good” guys are always good at all times and never seem to make bad decisions or say the wrong thing. The “bad” guys are seemingly antagonistic out of nowhere (although easily taken down a notch by a well-placed verbal barb). It sort of felt naive, like the writer has a very black-and-white view of the world.
If one isn’t into football, I can see how this film could be boring in parts.
It definitely seeks to tug at those heart strings & it’s quite effective at it.
Good Stuff:
I liked how they portrayed the relationship between Leigh Anne and Michael. I thought it was very nuanced and well done. For two people who came from the opposite side of the tracks, they seemed to accept one another in a way that I’ve rarely seen portrayed in film.
All the acting is very good. In addition to the main actors, I quite enjoyed the performance of Jae Head as SJ, the Tuohys' youngest child.
I found it deeply moving. While I’m sure it’s highly dramatized, the idea that someone would open their home in the way the Tuohys did touched me.
About the Performance:
Bullock was fantastic. I am comfortable with her Oscar win. As I was watching, I reflected on the fact that she often plays spastic characters. This comes out more frequently in her comedic roles, but even in her more serious ones, it’s still there. For example, in Gravity, her character is nervous and clumsy even before the action begins. There’s none of that in this performance. I liked how steely her character was, especially since it masked a soft interior. I was impressed by her.
Other performances of Bullock’s that I’ve reviewed: Gravity; Crash.
The Verdict:
I liked this film a lot more than I was expecting. I thought it would be overly simplistic and sentimental. Most of the movie, I was bothered by whether or not Michael actually wanted the things the Tuohys offered him. He speaks little, and rarely expresses his emotions or opinions. But then the film actually addressed that point, and I was both relieved and impressed. I do still think it’s a bit simplistic, and it’s definitely one of those Oscar-grab type movies, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. In the end, I was really glad that I finally watched it.
I give it 4.25 stars.
Released 2009 (USA)
American, in English
Director - John Lee Hancock
Stars - Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Tim McGraw
Plot Summary:
Based on a true story. When homeless teenager Michael Oher (Aaron) is taken in by a well-to-do family, he begins his journey to a career in the NFL. Bullock and McGraw co-star respectively as Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy, Oher’s adoptive parents.
Violence (mostly football-related); minor gore; minor blue language; implied sexy times.
Bad Stuff:
It comes across as a little too-good-to-be-true. The “good” guys are always good at all times and never seem to make bad decisions or say the wrong thing. The “bad” guys are seemingly antagonistic out of nowhere (although easily taken down a notch by a well-placed verbal barb). It sort of felt naive, like the writer has a very black-and-white view of the world.
If one isn’t into football, I can see how this film could be boring in parts.
It definitely seeks to tug at those heart strings & it’s quite effective at it.
Good Stuff:
I liked how they portrayed the relationship between Leigh Anne and Michael. I thought it was very nuanced and well done. For two people who came from the opposite side of the tracks, they seemed to accept one another in a way that I’ve rarely seen portrayed in film.
All the acting is very good. In addition to the main actors, I quite enjoyed the performance of Jae Head as SJ, the Tuohys' youngest child.
I found it deeply moving. While I’m sure it’s highly dramatized, the idea that someone would open their home in the way the Tuohys did touched me.
About the Performance:
Bullock was fantastic. I am comfortable with her Oscar win. As I was watching, I reflected on the fact that she often plays spastic characters. This comes out more frequently in her comedic roles, but even in her more serious ones, it’s still there. For example, in Gravity, her character is nervous and clumsy even before the action begins. There’s none of that in this performance. I liked how steely her character was, especially since it masked a soft interior. I was impressed by her.
Other performances of Bullock’s that I’ve reviewed: Gravity; Crash.
The Verdict:
I liked this film a lot more than I was expecting. I thought it would be overly simplistic and sentimental. Most of the movie, I was bothered by whether or not Michael actually wanted the things the Tuohys offered him. He speaks little, and rarely expresses his emotions or opinions. But then the film actually addressed that point, and I was both relieved and impressed. I do still think it’s a bit simplistic, and it’s definitely one of those Oscar-grab type movies, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. In the end, I was really glad that I finally watched it.
I give it 4.25 stars.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Music Love: "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron
I'm not going to post much about this song. I love the vocals. I love the lyrics:
I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met
But most of all, I love how sad and beautiful it is.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Top 50 Actresses, #50 - Julia Roberts: "Erin Brockovich" (2000)
Movie Stats:
Released 2000 (USA)
American, in English
Director - Steven Soderbergh
Stars - Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart
Plot Summary:
Based on a true story. When low income single mother Erin Brockovich (Roberts) muscles her way into a job at a law firm, she uncovers serious wrongdoing by an energy company. Finney co-stars as Brockovich’s boss, Ed Masry, and Eckhart as George, Brockovich’s love interest.
Heavy blue language; implied sexy times.
Bad Stuff:
It’s a little boring. There aren’t any big thrills in it.
Brockovich isn’t exactly likable as a character. She can be very defensive and aggressive. While I appreciated that she’s complex, it’s still off-putting.
Good Stuff:
I like a good little-guy-takes-on-big-guy-and-wins story, especially one based in reality.
I really appreciated how it tackled class issues. It’s not just about how the billion dollar energy conglomerate treats, and tries to treat, the people of a poor community. It’s also about how middle class people view and treat Erin, who is lower class.
It does a good job of portraying a story that is both infuriating and depressing without trying to tug at your heart strings.
About the Performance:
Julia Roberts is one of those actors that I can only ever see as herself. While, by the end of the film, I came to admire Erin Brockovich as a person, it didn’t change how I feel about Julia Roberts as an actress. I didn’t see Erin Brockovich in her performance. It was like, “Oh, there’s Julia Roberts dressed trashy. There she is acting angry.” I’m not saying she’s bad, but I don’t consider her an all-time great. Did she deserve a Best Actress award for this? I’m not sure. I’ve only seen one of the other performances nominated that year (Juliette Binoche in Chocolat). I don’t think Binoche deserved it, but maybe one of the others did.
Other performances of Roberts’s that I’ve reviewed: none.
The Verdict:
There’s a lot to like about this film. It’s a great story. It has complex characters. It doesn’t try to manipulate your emotions. While I may not be sold on Roberts’s performance, I like that she won for a role in a film that’s about a woman as a person, not about a woman in relation to a man. The relationship in the film definitely isn’t the main focus. It’s about Brockovich’s dedication and determination, and about how her work affects the rest of her life. It’s not the most thrilling movie I’ve ever seen, but it’s really solid.
I give it 4.25 stars.
Released 2000 (USA)
American, in English
Director - Steven Soderbergh
Stars - Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart
Plot Summary:
Based on a true story. When low income single mother Erin Brockovich (Roberts) muscles her way into a job at a law firm, she uncovers serious wrongdoing by an energy company. Finney co-stars as Brockovich’s boss, Ed Masry, and Eckhart as George, Brockovich’s love interest.
Heavy blue language; implied sexy times.
Bad Stuff:
It’s a little boring. There aren’t any big thrills in it.
Brockovich isn’t exactly likable as a character. She can be very defensive and aggressive. While I appreciated that she’s complex, it’s still off-putting.
Good Stuff:
I like a good little-guy-takes-on-big-guy-and-wins story, especially one based in reality.
I really appreciated how it tackled class issues. It’s not just about how the billion dollar energy conglomerate treats, and tries to treat, the people of a poor community. It’s also about how middle class people view and treat Erin, who is lower class.
It does a good job of portraying a story that is both infuriating and depressing without trying to tug at your heart strings.
About the Performance:
Julia Roberts is one of those actors that I can only ever see as herself. While, by the end of the film, I came to admire Erin Brockovich as a person, it didn’t change how I feel about Julia Roberts as an actress. I didn’t see Erin Brockovich in her performance. It was like, “Oh, there’s Julia Roberts dressed trashy. There she is acting angry.” I’m not saying she’s bad, but I don’t consider her an all-time great. Did she deserve a Best Actress award for this? I’m not sure. I’ve only seen one of the other performances nominated that year (Juliette Binoche in Chocolat). I don’t think Binoche deserved it, but maybe one of the others did.
Other performances of Roberts’s that I’ve reviewed: none.
The Verdict:
There’s a lot to like about this film. It’s a great story. It has complex characters. It doesn’t try to manipulate your emotions. While I may not be sold on Roberts’s performance, I like that she won for a role in a film that’s about a woman as a person, not about a woman in relation to a man. The relationship in the film definitely isn’t the main focus. It’s about Brockovich’s dedication and determination, and about how her work affects the rest of her life. It’s not the most thrilling movie I’ve ever seen, but it’s really solid.
I give it 4.25 stars.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Top 50 Actresses Project: Overview
By the end of my last project (Sci Fi Top 100), I found myself extremely annoyed by the genre’s lack of important female characters. I thought to myself, “For my next project, it sure would be nice to watch a bunch of movies with strong female leads.” So I started hunting for a list of such movies. Unfortunately, I found that, on most of these lists, the main female character was either the romantic interest or the villain, which isn't exactly what I have in mind when I think "strong female lead." Super frustrating.
Still, I persisted, and in the end, I decided to go with a Top 50 Actresses list. I culled this list from AMC. They provided the list of actresses, but I’m the one who chose the movie to watch for each actress. Therefore, while I still ran up against the “most female lead characters are romantic interests” problem, I was able to include quite a few movies where this was not the case. Since this list is voted on by the public, it appears that it can change over time. To avoid confusion, below I’m posting the list as it stood when I copied it down, along with the movies I chose.
A few notes about this project:
My main concern was that I wanted to make sure none of these films were movies that I previously reviewed, an issue I ran up against during both the AFI Top 100 and the Sci Fi Top 100.
So my general rule was that, if the actress won a Best Actress (not Best Supporting) Academy Award for a role, that is the movie I chose to review unless I previously reviewed it. If she won more than one, I chose which of those movies to review based on personal preference.
If I already reviewed one or all of her Award-winning performances OR if she hasn’t won a Best Actress Academy Award, then I looked at her acting credits and chose one of her movies to review. My choices were largely based on IMDB ratings (typically I chose something in the 7s or higher), coupled with my interest in the film based on its description. I avoided movies from the 1970s as much as possible. I've discovered that I'm not a big fan of 1970s film making.
Very occasionally, I have vetoed an Award-winning film simply because I don’t want to watch it. After watching lots of films I had little to no interest in, I wanted to give myself a little leeway. Also, the list is subject to change. Some of these films are surprisingly difficult to get one’s hands on, despite the fact that I have access to an astounding number of ways to see films.
Since the focus of this project is more on performances rather than the films themselves, I’ll include a section about that with each review. Additionally, where applicable, I will provide links to other movies of that performer's that I’ve reviewed.
As usual, I will watch the list from the bottom up, beginning with #50 and making my way to #1. At the end of the project, I will provide a master list of reviews & some final thoughts. Here is the list of Top 50 Actresses:
Still, I persisted, and in the end, I decided to go with a Top 50 Actresses list. I culled this list from AMC. They provided the list of actresses, but I’m the one who chose the movie to watch for each actress. Therefore, while I still ran up against the “most female lead characters are romantic interests” problem, I was able to include quite a few movies where this was not the case. Since this list is voted on by the public, it appears that it can change over time. To avoid confusion, below I’m posting the list as it stood when I copied it down, along with the movies I chose.
A few notes about this project:
My main concern was that I wanted to make sure none of these films were movies that I previously reviewed, an issue I ran up against during both the AFI Top 100 and the Sci Fi Top 100.
So my general rule was that, if the actress won a Best Actress (not Best Supporting) Academy Award for a role, that is the movie I chose to review unless I previously reviewed it. If she won more than one, I chose which of those movies to review based on personal preference.
If I already reviewed one or all of her Award-winning performances OR if she hasn’t won a Best Actress Academy Award, then I looked at her acting credits and chose one of her movies to review. My choices were largely based on IMDB ratings (typically I chose something in the 7s or higher), coupled with my interest in the film based on its description. I avoided movies from the 1970s as much as possible. I've discovered that I'm not a big fan of 1970s film making.
Very occasionally, I have vetoed an Award-winning film simply because I don’t want to watch it. After watching lots of films I had little to no interest in, I wanted to give myself a little leeway. Also, the list is subject to change. Some of these films are surprisingly difficult to get one’s hands on, despite the fact that I have access to an astounding number of ways to see films.
Since the focus of this project is more on performances rather than the films themselves, I’ll include a section about that with each review. Additionally, where applicable, I will provide links to other movies of that performer's that I’ve reviewed.
As usual, I will watch the list from the bottom up, beginning with #50 and making my way to #1. At the end of the project, I will provide a master list of reviews & some final thoughts. Here is the list of Top 50 Actresses:
- Bette Davis - Jezebel
- Barbra Streisand - Funny Girl
- Ingrid Bergman - Gaslight
- Olivia de Havilland - The Heiress
- Audrey Hepburn - Roman Holiday
- Jane Fonda - Klute
- Barbara Stanwyck - Ball of Fire
- Deborah Kerr - The King and I
- Vivien Leigh - Waterloo Bridge
- Claudette Colbert - Since You Went Away
- Greta Garbo - Ninotchka
- Jean Arthur - The Devil and Miss Jones
- Katharine Hepburn - The Lion in Winter
- Kate Winslet - The Reader
- Susan Hayward - I Want to Live!
- Elizabeth Taylor - Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
- Judi Dench - Philomena
- Marlene Dietrich - Witness for the Prosecution
- Cate Blanchett - Blue Jasmine
- Shirley MacLaine - Being There
- Julie Andrews - Mary Poppins
- Lauren Bacall - To Have and Have Not
- Sophia Loren - Two Women
- Judy Garland - A Star Is Born
- Carole Lombard - To Be or Not to Be
- Joan Fontaine - Suspicion
- Joan Crawford - Mildred Pierce
- Meryl Streep - Sophie’s Choice
- Myrna Loy - The Thin Man
- Rita Hayworth - Gilda
- Maureen O’Hara - The Quiet Man
- Mary Pickford - Coquette
- Nicole Kidman - The Hours
- Jean Harlow - The Public Enemy
- Natalie Portman - Black Swan
- Natalie Wood - Splendor in the Grass
- Mae West - I’m No Angel
- Diane Keaton - Reds
- Doris Day - Pillow Talk
- Jodie Foster - Inside Man
- Ginger Rogers - Kitty Foyle
- Ava Gardner - The Killers
- Grace Kelly - The Country Girl
- Marilyn Monroe - The Misfits
- Sally Field - Norma Rae
- Reese Witherspoon - Walk the Line
- Halle Berry - Monster’s Ball
- Angelina Jolie - Changeling
- Sandra Bullock - The Blind Side
- Julia Roberts - Erin Brockovich
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Up with Geography: Dominica
Country Name:
None - it's an island; closest continent is South America.
The closest neighbors are the islands of Guadeloupe to the north & Martinique to the south, which are territories of France. The closest independent nations are Antigua & Barbuda (north of Guadeloupe) and St. Lucia (south of Martinique).
Water Borders:
Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean
Total Area:
290 square miles
Five Largest Cities:
Roseau, Portsmouth, Marigot, Berekua, Mahaut
Famous Geographical Point:
Boiling Lake
Famous Person:
Kellyn George, biologist & sickle cell anemia activist
Book Set In/About:
The Dominica Story by Lennox Honeychurch
A comprehensive (non-fiction) history of Dominica, up through 1994.
Movie Set In/About:
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (2006), directed by Gore Verbinski
In the first sequel of the Pirates franchise, Captain Jack Sparrow battles with the fabled Davy Jones. This was only partially filmed in Dominica. Unfortunately, there were slim pickings for Dominica movies. One that looked interesting was the following documentary short, but I didn't want to choose both a history book & a history movie: "Dominica: Charting a Future for Paradise" (2011), directed by Wyatt Bardouille.
Headline of the Day:
"Dominica Cruise Ship Sector Benefitting from Irma" in the Jamaica Observer.
None - it's an island; closest continent is South America.
The closest neighbors are the islands of Guadeloupe to the north & Martinique to the south, which are territories of France. The closest independent nations are Antigua & Barbuda (north of Guadeloupe) and St. Lucia (south of Martinique).
Water Borders:
Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean
Total Area:
290 square miles
Five Largest Cities:
Roseau, Portsmouth, Marigot, Berekua, Mahaut
Famous Geographical Point:
Boiling Lake
Famous Person:
Kellyn George, biologist & sickle cell anemia activist
Book Set In/About:
The Dominica Story by Lennox Honeychurch
A comprehensive (non-fiction) history of Dominica, up through 1994.
Movie Set In/About:
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (2006), directed by Gore Verbinski
In the first sequel of the Pirates franchise, Captain Jack Sparrow battles with the fabled Davy Jones. This was only partially filmed in Dominica. Unfortunately, there were slim pickings for Dominica movies. One that looked interesting was the following documentary short, but I didn't want to choose both a history book & a history movie: "Dominica: Charting a Future for Paradise" (2011), directed by Wyatt Bardouille.
Headline of the Day:
"Dominica Cruise Ship Sector Benefitting from Irma" in the Jamaica Observer.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Best Picture: "Moonlight," 2016
Movie Stats:
Released 2016 (USA)
American, in English
Director - Barry Jenkins
Stars - Alex R. Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, Trevante Rhodes, Mahershala Ali
Plot Summary:
This movie showcases the life of Chiron, a gay black boy with a crack-addicted mother (played by Naomie Harris) growing up in a rough neighborhood in Miami. Hibbert plays Chiron as a child; Sanders plays him as a teenager; and Rhodes as an adult. Ali co-stars as Juan, a drug dealer who takes Chiron under his wing.
Heavy blue language (including gay & racial slurs); sexy times; violence; minor gore; drug use (marijuana, crack).
Bad Stuff:
The pace could easily be described as ponderous.
I didn’t care for the experimental camera work. Also, I’ve seen people complain about “lens flare” in other movies (most notably 2009’s “Star Trek”) but it’s not something I ever noticed before this film, where it is both obvious & very distracting.
The ending is rather abrupt/unsatisfactory.
Good Stuff:
The performances from both Ali and Harris are phenomenal. I completely understand why both of them were nominated for Best Supporting awards (and why Ali won).
It’s a very understated, nuanced portrayal of the cycle of poverty, all the pitfalls & how difficult it can be to escape.
It does an excellent job of setting the tone. You can really feel Chiron’s isolation and loneliness.
The Verdict:
I liked it well enough. I don’t think I liked it as much as I expected to, mostly because of how slow it is. I must have checked the time on my phone at least ten times. Also, I found it difficult to connect with Chiron because his character rarely speaks, especially in his younger years. Finally, I was disappointed that Ali’s part is relatively small. I would have liked to see way more of him. Still, I appreciated how understated it is. It's fine piece of storytelling that doesn’t tell you what to think or feel. It gets its point across without beating you over the head with it. In the end, despite the bleak circumstances of most of the characters, I felt a sense of hope, like maybe things could turn it okay, even if I know that they probably won’t, because that’s what the cycle of poverty does to people. It’s a beautiful film, just not one of my favorites.
I give it 3.75 stars.
Note: The Best Picture Master List has been updated to include this movie. It comes in at #39.
Released 2016 (USA)
American, in English
Director - Barry Jenkins
Stars - Alex R. Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, Trevante Rhodes, Mahershala Ali
Plot Summary:
This movie showcases the life of Chiron, a gay black boy with a crack-addicted mother (played by Naomie Harris) growing up in a rough neighborhood in Miami. Hibbert plays Chiron as a child; Sanders plays him as a teenager; and Rhodes as an adult. Ali co-stars as Juan, a drug dealer who takes Chiron under his wing.
Heavy blue language (including gay & racial slurs); sexy times; violence; minor gore; drug use (marijuana, crack).
Bad Stuff:
The pace could easily be described as ponderous.
I didn’t care for the experimental camera work. Also, I’ve seen people complain about “lens flare” in other movies (most notably 2009’s “Star Trek”) but it’s not something I ever noticed before this film, where it is both obvious & very distracting.
The ending is rather abrupt/unsatisfactory.
Good Stuff:
The performances from both Ali and Harris are phenomenal. I completely understand why both of them were nominated for Best Supporting awards (and why Ali won).
It’s a very understated, nuanced portrayal of the cycle of poverty, all the pitfalls & how difficult it can be to escape.
It does an excellent job of setting the tone. You can really feel Chiron’s isolation and loneliness.
The Verdict:
I liked it well enough. I don’t think I liked it as much as I expected to, mostly because of how slow it is. I must have checked the time on my phone at least ten times. Also, I found it difficult to connect with Chiron because his character rarely speaks, especially in his younger years. Finally, I was disappointed that Ali’s part is relatively small. I would have liked to see way more of him. Still, I appreciated how understated it is. It's fine piece of storytelling that doesn’t tell you what to think or feel. It gets its point across without beating you over the head with it. In the end, despite the bleak circumstances of most of the characters, I felt a sense of hope, like maybe things could turn it okay, even if I know that they probably won’t, because that’s what the cycle of poverty does to people. It’s a beautiful film, just not one of my favorites.
I give it 3.75 stars.
Note: The Best Picture Master List has been updated to include this movie. It comes in at #39.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Sci Fi Top 100: Final Thoughts
At the beginning of this project, my friend/regular commenter Patricia suggested that I guess what rating I would give each movie, and then, at the end, see how close I came to getting it all right. I thought that sounded like a cool idea, so I did it. However, I think throwing a lot of numbers at you would be kind of boring, so here’s a short analysis of how it all played out.
Out of the 100 movies reviewed for this project:
8 were movies I previously reviewed, and so I couldn’t guess a rating
17 movies, I guessed my rating accurately
23 movies, I was within a quarter star (plus or minus)
12 movies, I was within half a star (plus or minus)
11 movies, I was within three-quarters of a star (plus or minus)
12 movies, I was within 1 star (plus or minus)
17 movies, I was within 1+ stars (plus or minus)
Biggest difference in the positive: The Damned, which I guessed I would give 2 stars. I gave it 4.25.
Biggest difference in the negative: The Man Who Fell to Earth, which I guessed I would give 3.25 stars. I gave it .25 star.
I was more likely to guess low than high. Of the movies in which my guesses were inaccurate, I gave 41 a higher rating than I guessed. That means I gave only 34 a lower rating than I guessed.
I feel that I was more accurate than not. I think guessing within half a star is pretty good. 52 of my guesses were either spot on, or within a half star. Only 40 were wrong by more than half a star.
I really enjoyed this movie project. It was fun to see some of the famous sci fi movies that I’d never seen before. It was even more fun to delve into the world of more obscure sci fi films. However, I was ultimately disappointed by the lack of strong female characters (lots of love interests and/or assistants among the female roles) and near-absence of people of color in these movies. Once I noticed it, I realized that this was true of all of my lists (although the Academy Awards seem to be a little better at it).
Also, I felt that there were several films that didn't belong here because they barely count as sci fi. Two of those that immediately leap to mind are The Truman Show & Three Colours: Red. If it were up to me, I would remove those, perhaps one or two others, and replace them with movies that I like better & that I consider more sci fi-y. Two I would add to the list are: "Equilibrium" and "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure."
Overall, however, I was pleased. I thought it was a very solid list. While I’m happy that I did it, I’m looking forward to moving on to the next. More on the new project next week!
Out of the 100 movies reviewed for this project:
8 were movies I previously reviewed, and so I couldn’t guess a rating
17 movies, I guessed my rating accurately
23 movies, I was within a quarter star (plus or minus)
12 movies, I was within half a star (plus or minus)
11 movies, I was within three-quarters of a star (plus or minus)
12 movies, I was within 1 star (plus or minus)
17 movies, I was within 1+ stars (plus or minus)
Biggest difference in the positive: The Damned, which I guessed I would give 2 stars. I gave it 4.25.
Biggest difference in the negative: The Man Who Fell to Earth, which I guessed I would give 3.25 stars. I gave it .25 star.
I was more likely to guess low than high. Of the movies in which my guesses were inaccurate, I gave 41 a higher rating than I guessed. That means I gave only 34 a lower rating than I guessed.
I feel that I was more accurate than not. I think guessing within half a star is pretty good. 52 of my guesses were either spot on, or within a half star. Only 40 were wrong by more than half a star.
I really enjoyed this movie project. It was fun to see some of the famous sci fi movies that I’d never seen before. It was even more fun to delve into the world of more obscure sci fi films. However, I was ultimately disappointed by the lack of strong female characters (lots of love interests and/or assistants among the female roles) and near-absence of people of color in these movies. Once I noticed it, I realized that this was true of all of my lists (although the Academy Awards seem to be a little better at it).
Also, I felt that there were several films that didn't belong here because they barely count as sci fi. Two of those that immediately leap to mind are The Truman Show & Three Colours: Red. If it were up to me, I would remove those, perhaps one or two others, and replace them with movies that I like better & that I consider more sci fi-y. Two I would add to the list are: "Equilibrium" and "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure."
Overall, however, I was pleased. I thought it was a very solid list. While I’m happy that I did it, I’m looking forward to moving on to the next. More on the new project next week!
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Up with U.S. Geography: Maine
State Name:
Date of Entry:
March 15, 1820
Canada, New Hampshire
Water Borders:
St. John River, Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine, Atlantic Ocean
Total Area:
35,385 square miles
Five Largest Cities:
Portland, Lewiston, Bangor, South Portland, Auburn
Famous Geographical Point:
Mount Katahdin
State Nickname:
The Pine Tree State. The white pine is the state tree, and a pine tree features on the state's flag, seal, and quarter. They're big on pine trees there.
Famous Person:
Kevin Eastman, writer & artist, co-creater of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I seriously considered instead listing William Coperthwaite, who, according to Wikipedia, was an educator & "yurt advocate," simply for the novelty of anyone being known as a "yurt advocate."
Book Set In/About:
It by Stephen King
Set in the fictional town of Derry, Maine, this horror novel showcases the travails of the same seven people during two different time periods - first as children, then as adults - as they battle an alien creature that exploits their fears.
Of course I chose a Stephen King novel! Not only is he quite possibly the most famous person to have ever come out of Maine, nearly all of his books are set there.
Movie Set In/About:
"The Cider House Rules" (1999), directed by Lasse Hallstrom
A young man, raised in an orphanage & trained as an unlicensed doctor, spreads his wings by going to work at an apple farm.
Headline of the Day:
"Maine Archaeologists Find Evidence of Historic English Fort" in U.S. News & World Report.
Date of Entry:
March 15, 1820
![]() |
Map of USA. Maine outlined in dark ink & with name written on it. |
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Close-up of Maine & its neighbors. |
Canada, New Hampshire
Water Borders:
St. John River, Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine, Atlantic Ocean
Total Area:
35,385 square miles
Five Largest Cities:
Portland, Lewiston, Bangor, South Portland, Auburn
Famous Geographical Point:
Mount Katahdin
State Nickname:
The Pine Tree State. The white pine is the state tree, and a pine tree features on the state's flag, seal, and quarter. They're big on pine trees there.
Famous Person:
Kevin Eastman, writer & artist, co-creater of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I seriously considered instead listing William Coperthwaite, who, according to Wikipedia, was an educator & "yurt advocate," simply for the novelty of anyone being known as a "yurt advocate."
Book Set In/About:
It by Stephen King
Set in the fictional town of Derry, Maine, this horror novel showcases the travails of the same seven people during two different time periods - first as children, then as adults - as they battle an alien creature that exploits their fears.
Of course I chose a Stephen King novel! Not only is he quite possibly the most famous person to have ever come out of Maine, nearly all of his books are set there.
Movie Set In/About:
"The Cider House Rules" (1999), directed by Lasse Hallstrom
A young man, raised in an orphanage & trained as an unlicensed doctor, spreads his wings by going to work at an apple farm.
Headline of the Day:
"Maine Archaeologists Find Evidence of Historic English Fort" in U.S. News & World Report.
geography project,
U.S. geography,
Up with Geography
Monday, September 4, 2017
Sci Fi Top 100: Master List of Reviews and Scores
Here it is, my full list of scores and reviews. The list goes from my favorite to my least favorite. In cases where films share the same score, I’ve listed them based on personal preference. For example, the first 4 star review you see listed will be my favorite of all the films I’ve given 4 stars to.
Note: For every movie that was originally reviewed for another project, I have linked that original review, rather than the abbreviated Sci Fi Project review. "2001: A Space Odyssey," for example, is linked to its AFI Top 100 review.
Note: For every movie that was originally reviewed for another project, I have linked that original review, rather than the abbreviated Sci Fi Project review. "2001: A Space Odyssey," for example, is linked to its AFI Top 100 review.
- The Prestige (2006), 4.75
- Gattaca (1997), 4.75
- Galaxy Quest (1999), 4.75
- Children of Men (2006), 4.5
- Metropolis (1927), 4.5
- Donnie Darko (2001), 4.5
- Serenity (2005), 4.5
- The American Astronaut (2001), 4.25
- The Damned (1963), 4.25
- WALL-E (2008), 4.25
- Back to the Future (1985), 4.25
- Pitch Black (2000), 4.25
- Iron Man (2008), 4.25
- The Truman Show (1998), 4.25
- Her (2013), 4.25
- Seconds (1966), 4
- Je t’aime, Je t’aime (1968), 4
- Soylent Green (1973), 4
- The Thing from Another World (1951), 4
- The Empire Strikes Back (1980), 4
- Jurassic Park (1993), 4
- The Terminator (1984), 4
- Blade Runner (1982), 4
- Star Trek (2009), 4
- Moon (2009), 4
- Contact (1997), 4
- Westworld (1973), 4
- Planet of the Apes (1968), 4
- Ghostbusters (1984), 4
- The Matrix (1999), 4
- Independence Day (1996), 4
- Twelve Monkeys (1995), 4
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), 4
- Avatar (2009), 4
- The Iron Giant (1999), 4
- Akira (1988), 4
- They Live (1988), 3.75
- Attack the Block (2011), 3.75
- Minority Report (2002), 3.75
- Star Wars (1977), 3.75
- District 9 (2009), 3.75
- Predator (1987), 3.75
- Total Recall (1990), 3.75
- Alien (1979), 3.75
- Return of the Jedi (1983), 3.75
- Dark City (1998), 3.75
- The Thing (1982), 3.75
- The Fly (1986), 3.75
- RoboCop (1987), 3.75
- Frankenstein (1931), 3.75
- Ghost in the Shell (1995), 3.75
- Inception (2010), 3.5
- The Fifth Element (1997), 3.5
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982), 3.5
- La Jetee (1962), 3.5
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), 3.5
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), 3.5
- A Clockwork Orange (1971), 3.5
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), 3.5
- Starship Troopers (1997), 3.5
- Superman (1978), 3.5
- Three Colours: Red (1994), 3.5
- The War of the Worlds (1953), 3.25
- Aliens (1986), 3.25
- Solaris (2002), 3.25 stars
- Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981), 3.25
- Forbidden Planet (1956), 3.25
- Gravity (2013), 3.25
- Primer (2004), 3
- The Abyss (1989), 3
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), 3
- Under the Skin (2013), 3
- Barbarella (1968), 3
- Flash Gordon (1980), 3
- Quatermass and the Pit (1967), 3
- Silent Running (1972), 3
- E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (1982), 3
- AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001), 3
- Brazil (1985), 3
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), 2.75
- Dune (1984), 2.75
- Fantastic Voyage (1966), 2.75
- The Andromeda Strain (1971), 2.75
- Repo Man (1984), 2.75
- The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984), 2.75
- 2010 (1984), 2.5
- World on a Wire (1973), 2.5
- Logan’s Run (1976), 2.5
- THX 1138 (1971), 2.5
- Solaris (1972), 2.5
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), 2.5
- Alphaville (1965), 2.5
- Pacific Rim (2013), 2
- Things to Come (1936), 2
- Stalker (1979), 2
- The Time Machine (1960), 2
- Fantastic Planet (1973), 2
- Sleeper (1973), 2
- Dark Star (1974), .5
- The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976), .25
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