Wednesday, April 20, 2016

AFI Top 100, #20: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975)

This movie was previously reviewed as part of my Best Picture Project. Below is the pertinent information about it: the movie stats, plot summary, and the rating I gave it. You can read the full text of my review HERE.

Movie Stats:
Released 1975 (USA)
American, in English
Director – Milos Forman
Stars – Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Will Sampson

Plot Summary:
When chronic troublemaker R.P. McMurphy (Nicholson) lands in prison yet again, he fakes insanity to get what he thinks is going to be an easy stint in a mental institution. Once he’s been committed, he butts heads with ice-queen Nurse Ratched (Fletcher) and befriends deaf-mute Native American Chief Bromden (Sampson).

4 stars


Patricia said...

I'm too lazy to click over and see what I said about this film the last time, but I suspect I complained about Jack Nicholson. Which I'm going to do again this time, because the dude bugs me.

I really like this book, though.

balyien said...

Hahaha, I'm also too lazy to look back but I'm pretty sure you did complain about him!