Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Woodland Enchantress Cross Stitch, Progress Report 10

Time for a cross stitch update!

Here’s a reminder of what it’s supposed to look like when it’s finished:

Here’s what it looked like the last time I updated, in January 2019:

And here’s what it looks like now:

I started keeping track of my work again, so I can tell you that this represents approximately 40.75 hours! I’m feeling pretty good because I tried really hard to work on it more frequently and I now know that I did, because this is quite a bit more work than every other quarter I previously tracked. I had to slow down toward the end of April because of a rib injury, but I’m getting back into the swing of things now!


Patricia said...

So very close! (And I know from Facebook, that you are even closer still)!

Good work!

balyien said...

Yeah, I made really good progress but haven't worked on it for a few weeks now. I hate back stitching, lol.