Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Music Love: "Doses & Mimosas" by Cherub

*Explicit lyrics warning*

There is literally nothing about Cherub that I should like, particularly when it comes to this song. I don't care for high pitched singing. I'm not into party culture, especially not hard drugs. And this song is so incredibly juvenile (as is the other Cherub song I own, "Heartbreaker").

Yet here we are.

I love this song. I think it's fun. I see it as somewhat tongue-in-cheek. And I have to admit, there's this immature part of me that thoroughly enjoys singing along to the lines, "To all the b!*ch ass hoes that hate me the most, oh yeah, I hate you too. To all the punk as f!*ks that just want to talk s!*t, I hate you too." I can't say that "doses & mimosas, champagne & cocaine help to get me through," but the way they sing those lyrics, I have a good time belting them out alongside.

This certainly isn't the classiest song in my library, but sometimes you just have to let loose & enjoy yourself.


Patricia said...

I think the high-pitched voice is not working for me at all in this case. I do enjoy it's a peppy song full of loathing.

balyien said...

Fair enough! I don't like most of the rest of their discography. Funny, isn't it? I feel like there are a lot of bands like that for me, where I like only one or two of their songs.