Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Just a quick update to let everyone know that my blog will be on hiatus for the next couple of weeks.

As most of you know, because you're my friends in real life, my husband recently landed a job in California. We'll be moving next week. During this time of moving & getting settled in our new home, I'll be putting my creative side on hold.

You can expect me back in mid- to late January, when you'll get an end-of-the-year review for 2013. I'll also be resuming my current projects: Best Picture reviews, antique postcards, world geography, and essays on loneliness. I'll also be starting some new projects in 2014, although you'll have to wait to see what those are.

Happy New Year, everyone! Best of luck in 2014.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

In random moments over the past few months I've had the thought, "Did Jan actually finish her series on loneliness?" And now I know you haven't and I have those to look forward to.

Good luck with the move. Hopefully it will be the last one for a goodly amount of time.