Movie Stats:
Released 1951 (UK)
American, in English (significant non-translated French & German, although you can still tell what’s happening in the scene without knowing either language)
Director – Vincente Minnelli
Stars – Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant, Georges Guetary, and Nina Foch
Plot Summary:
Jerry Mulligan (Kelly) is an American artist trying to get by in Paris. He’s good friends with an equally struggling concert pianist by the name of Adam Cook (Levant), who happens to be good friends with a French singer named Henri Baurel (Guetary). Through a convoluted series of circumstances, Jerry and Henri fall in love with the same woman, Lise Bouvier (Caron). Nina Foch also stars as Jerry’s patron Milo Roberts, who is deep in unrequited love with him.
2 stars
Ah the period of unbidden unemployment. That's what this movie reminds me of.