Monday, May 6, 2019

Top 50 Actors, #44 - Groucho Marx: "Animal Crackers" (1930)

Movie Stats:
Released 1930 (USA)
American, in English
Director - Victor Heerman
Stars - Groucho Marx, Margaret Dumont, Chico Marx, Harpo Marx

Plot Summary:
In order to celebrate the return of Captain Jeffrey Spaulding (Groucho) from Africa, the wealthy Mrs. Rittenhouse (Dumont) throws a party that includes the unveiling of a priceless painting. Zaniness ensues. Chico and Harpo co-star, respectively, as Signor Emanuel Rivelli and The Professor, a pair of musicians/conmen(?).

Minor violence.

Bad Stuff:
Personally, I’m not into the Marx Brothers style of humor. It’s very old school. Most of it is just fast talking and eye roll-worthy puns. Half the jokes just seem to be random words strung together. And the jokes I do understand are rather mean-spirited (lots of “negging” of women). Some of the dialogue was awkwardly stilted. I think I laughed once or twice.

I was bored.

I know it’s a screwball comedy and I shouldn’t expect much, but I still thought the story was nonsensical.

Good Stuff:
I didn’t know it was a quasi-musical. I enjoyed the songs. I particularly liked “Why Am I So Romantic?”

In a similar vein, I liked the scene where Harpo played the harp.

I’m a big fan of Art Deco, so I loved the sets and costuming.

About the Performance:
Groucho Marx is one of those actors whose importance to cinematic history is understandable to me. He brought vaudeville to the big screen. He was a pioneer of comedy. Does that make him a great actor? Not in my opinion. Granted, I’ve only seen two of his films and don’t plan to see more, but he seems rather one-note. There’s no range, which is what I personally want from an actor. So I was unimpressed, even though I completely get why he’s on the list.

Other performances of Marx’s I’ve reviewed: Duck Soup.

The Verdict:
The Marx Brothers definitely aren’t my cup of tea. I suspected it after “Duck Soup,” but “Animal Crackers” really solidified it for me. Not only was I bored, I found it painfully unfunny. Thank god there were a few scenes that saved me from hating it completely.

I give it 2.75 stars.


Patricia said...

An ex-boyfriend really liked the Marx Brothers. I watched it as part of the wooing process. It's interesting to watch a movie with someone and see what they find funny, as I don't remember laughing that much.

All humor has its time. The Filmspotting fellas aren't Marx Brothers Fans either, much to the chagrin of regular guest Michael Phillips, who reviews for the Chicago Tribune. He's a bit older though, which I think helps.

balyien said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like them. It seems like most people I know think they're hilarious. But then I tend to not like a lot of comedy that other people enjoy, like Meet the Parents or Everybody Loves Raymond.

I feel like Dan & I don't share the same taste in films, but now I think back on it, everything he showed me during the wooing process was stuff I ended up liking. Huh.