Monday, April 26, 2010

Found Items: It's Patriotic Bookmark Week!

I have to admit that the idea of a patriotic bookmark had not previously crossed my mind. I mean, if I didn't have this blog, I wouldn't be showing my bookmarks around to anyone, so I don't feel like I have to "prove" my patriotism through my bookmarks. Nor do I feel the need to remind myself that I am patriotic.

But I'm beginning to wonder if I am in the minority here. Perhaps patriotism doesn't stop with flag pins or t-shirts. Perhaps my books need a reminder that they're being read by an American. This is something I'll have to ponder further.

As an aside, you know what I find is most frequently used as a bookmark (other than random scraps of paper)? Paperclips. I think it's weird. They're very obtrusive, leave grooves in the pages (if left long enough), and the metal ones leave rust marks!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

And, they are hard to get onto the page. You have to use fingernails!